School children with robots

If your business is located in West Suffolk, you will have access to a wealth of skills delivery and support organisations.

The Economic Development Team at West Suffolk Council, supported by its partners including Suffolk County Council and the New Anglia Growth Hub, is on hand to help you understand the multitude of skills and training initiatives available to help you develop your employees and your business. The Economic Development team also delivers a number of skills events to support businesses, for example jobs and skills fairs.

West Suffolk is also home to the Eastern Colleges Group (ECG). The Eastern Colleges Group members are West Suffolk College, Abbeygate Sixth Form College, University Studies and One Sixth Form College (based in Ipswich). As a collective of post-16 education providers, the ECG are committed to providing outstanding vocational and academic excellence to over 15,000 students across the region. The shared vision of the ECG members is to put students and their success at the heart of everything they do. Working in partnership together, the ECG members collaborate and share knowledge with one goal in mind – to give students unparalleled opportunities in a global world, to make their lives better.

children at skills day

The Economic Development Team at West Suffolk Council is here to support individuals and businesses access the skills they need. So if any of the statements below apply to your business, then get in touch with us:

  • I want to provide career inspiration opportunities for young people
  • I want to employ an apprentice
  • I want to support a student taking on a T-Level
  • I want support finding staff
  • I want support upskilling my existing staff

For more information, and to see specific detail on current projects, please visit West Suffolk Council - Skills. If you have any queries email: