West Suffolk is the home of many businesses and sectors all supported by our council and wider business organisations. Hundreds of millions of pounds of investment have been made in West Suffolk by local, national and international business.
West Suffolk Council and its partners have supported the area's key sectors by funding infrastructure, securing enterprise zone status, and supporting the creation of business parks. Loans and additional funding have come from organisations such as the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority.
Our expert Economic Development Team can work with your business to help you locate in West Suffolk or grow your existing company. We have already helped many companies find premises, given support and assisted them through regulatory issues such as with planning and environmental health. Contact us to discover how your business can succeed here.
We have set up the West Suffolk Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Group to help drive forward innovation and skills development within the sector.
Just some of the sectors thriving in West Suffolk: