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Calling West Suffolk businesses – have your say on the Norfolk and Suffolk Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP)

Wednesday 1 March 2023

The Norfolk and the Suffolk Chambers of Commerce are working with the Department for Education (DfE) to put employers at the heart of the skills agenda with the launch of the Norfolk and Suffolk Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP), and they want businesses to have a bigger say in what skills are needed in the workplace for today, tomorrow and the future.


What will the Norfolk and Suffolk LSIP focus on?

The chambers are aware that across Norfolk and Suffolk there are some great initiatives – but the majority are operating in silos and many employers are not aware of them – we see the LSIPs role is being to support the alignment of this skills activity. We are not wanting to re-invent the wheel and we are aiming to join some of the dots. In other words, how do we enhance what is working well and how do we fill any gaps?


Key sectors and cross cutting themes

We need to concentrate on a couple of key areas for Norfolk and Suffolk and to run cross-cutting themes of Workforce Digital Skills and Soft Skills. Given the timescales, Norfolk and Suffolk Chambers want to focus on some key sectors where significant impacts can be made quickly, so are looking at a focus in the following areas: agri-tech, food processing sector and climate adaptation, and net zero. The chambers have selected these key areas mainly due to the amount of work that has already happened across Norfolk and Suffolk and also as they tie in nicely with work already underway at many of the education providers – so hopefully this means we can enhance what is already happening in our region.


Have your say and get involved

Complete the survey: Norfolk and Suffolk LSIP Survey