Haverhill is a town built on enterprise and innovation and is about to experience a new era of growth and prosperity, with a current population of 27,000, Haverhill is the fastest growing town in the county.
The town is now really starting to benefit from its position on the Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire borders, with demand from companies wanting to be in easy reach of the extraordinary growth of nearby Cambridge giving Haverhill a slightly unfair advantage over most other locations in the region.
Not only is Haverhill seeing growth investment by its indigenous business such as TAIT who are investing millions of pounds in a brand-new base for their operation at Haverhill Business Park, but Sanofi, the global pharmaceutical and healthcare provider has chosen Haverhill as one of six European sites to create its standalone Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) business EUROAPI. Today, the impressive silver towers at EUROAPI exemplify the growth and dynamism of Haverhill as you approach the town.
However, EUROAPI is not the only impressive building evident as you approach modern Haverhill. Entering the town from Cambridge will bring you to the ‘Spirit of Enterprise’ roundabout and Haverhill Research Park, home to The Epicentre, a brand new £6m innovation centre at Haverhill Research Park, which is providing office and laboratory space to companies working in the Cambridge market and beyond. Demand for lab space within the first 12 months has been so great that plans are afoot to convert more of the ground floor to cater for this demand.